วันศุกร์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551


Wallpaper For You


Wallpaper For You

The Forbidden Kingdom

The Forbidden Kingdom

A 21st Century American teenager takes a spellbinding, dangerous journey into martial arts legend in the new action/adventure epic FORBIDDEN KINGDOM. Shot on location in China, THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM marks the historic first-ever onscreen pairing of martial arts superstars Jackie Chan (RUSH HOUR, DRUNKEN MASTER) and Jet Li (FEARLESS, ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA), and features the awe-inspiring action choreography of Wo Ping (THE MATRIX, CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON). While hunting down bootleg kung-fu DVDs in a Chinatown pawnshop, Jason (played by Michael Angarano - “24”, “Will and Grace,” LORDS OF DOGTOWN, SEABISCUIT) makes an extraordinary discovery that sends him hurtling back in time to ancient China. There, Jason is charged with a monumental task: he must free the fabled warrior the Monkey King, who has been imprisoned by the evil Jade Warlord. Jason is joined in his quest by wise kung fu master Lu Yan (Jackie Chan) and a band of misfit warriors including Silent Monk (Jet Li). But only by learning the true precepts of kung fu can Jason hope to succeed - and find a way to get back home.

In Theatres: April 18th, 2008

Rob Minkoff (dir.)

Jackie Chan

Jet Li

Michael A. Angarano

Crystal Liu

Collin Chou

The Forbidden Kingdom
หนังเป็นเรื่องราวของเด็กหนุ่มวัยรุ่น (Michael Angarano) จากโลกปัจจุบันที่ได้ไม้เท้าวิเศษแล้วถูกส่งมาอาณาจักรโบราณ ได้พบหลวงจีนใบ้ (Jet Li) และ ปรมาจารย์ด้านกังฟู (Jackie Chan) ทั้งหมดออกเดินทางนำไม้เท้าไปคืนให้พญาวานรที่ถูกคุมขังอยู่มารร้ายที่รับบทโดย Collin Chou (จาก The Matrix Reloaded)

วันศุกร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Thai Movie Poster

Thai Movie Poster

New Poster Feb.2008

New Poster Feb.2008

Oscars Nominees 80th.




No Country for Old Men

There Will Be Blood

Michael Clayton


Paul Thomas Anderson : There Will Be Blood
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen :
No Country for Old Men
Julian Schnabel : The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Tony Gilroy :
Michael Clayton
Jason Reitman :


George Clooney :
Michael Clayton
Daniel Day-Lewis :
There Will Be Blood
Tommy Lee Jones :
In the Valley of Elah
Viggo Mortensen :
Eastern Promises
Johnny Depp :
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street


Cate Blanchett : Elizabeth: The Golden Age
Julie Christie :
Away From Her
Marion Cotillard :
La Vie en Rose
Laura Linney :
The Savages
Ellen Page :


Javier Bardem :
No Country for Old Men
Philip Seymour Hoffman : Charlie Wilson's War
Hal Holbrook : Into the Wild
Tom Wilkinson :
Michael Clayton
Casey Affleck
: The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Cate Blanchett : I'm Not There
Ruby Dee :
American Gangster
Saoirse Ronan :
Amy Ryan :
Gone Baby Gone
Tilda Swinton :
Michael Clayton

Ratatouille : Brad Bird
Michael Clayton :
Tony Gilroy
The Savages :
Tamara Jenkins
Juno :
Diablo Cody
Lars and the Real Girl : Nancy Oliver

Atonement : Screenplay by Christopher Hampton
There Will Be Blood :
Screenplay by Paul Thomas Anderson
Away From Her :
Screenplay by Sarah Polley
No Country for Old Men :
Screenplay by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly :
Screenplay by Ronald Harwood

Surf's Up

Beufort (Israel)
The Counterfeiters (Austria)
Katyn (Poland)
Mongol (Kazakhstan)
12 (Russia)

American Gangster : Atonement
The Golden Compass : Sweeney Todd: The Demon
Barber of Fleet Street : There Will Be Blood

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Across the Universe
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
La Vie en Rose
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

No End in Sight
Taxi to the Dark Side
Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience

La Corona (The Crown)
Salim Baba
Sari's Mother

The Bourne Ultimatum
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Into the Wild
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood

La Vie en Rose
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

The Golden Compass
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Atonement : Dario Marianelli
The Kite Runner : Alberto Iglesias
Michael Clayton : James Newton Howard
Ratatouille : Michael Giacchino
3:10 to Yuma : Marco Beltrami

"Falling Slowly" (Once)
: Music and Lyrics by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
“Happy Working Song" (Enchanted)
: Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
“That's How You Know" (Enchanted)
: Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
“Raise It Up" (August Rush)
"So Close" (Enchanted)
: Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz

I Met the Walrus
Madame Tutli-Putli
Meme Les Pigeons Vont au Paradis (Even Pigeons Go to Heaven)
My Love (Moya Lyubov)
Peter & the Wolf

At Night
Il Supplente (The Substitute)
Le Mozart des Pickpockets (The Mozart of Pickpockets)
Tanghi Argentini
The Tonto Woman

The Bourne Ultimatum
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood

The Bourne Ultimatum
No Country for Old Men
3:10 to Yuma

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

เพลงประกอบละคร "บุษบาเร่รัก"

เพลงประกอบละคร "บุษบาเร่รัก"
1. เพลงอยากให้เขารู้สึก : กบ สุวนันท์

2. เพลงจะมีไหม : กบ สุวนันท์

3. เพลงธิดาซาตาน : เกรซ กาญจน์เกล้า

4. เพลงหยุดเสียที : พิ้งกี้ สาวิกา
5. เพลงกว่าจะรู้ตัว : น้ำ รพีภัทร

New Poster 2008

New Poster 2008

Best Movie Poster 2007

ผลรางวัล Best Movie Poster 2007

Best Movie Poster 2007
Sweeney Todd

Worst Movie Poster
Charlie Wilson's War

Best Blockbuster Poster
I Am Legend

Best Teaser / Advance Poster
The Simpsons Movie

Worst Teaser / Advance Poster
Hostel Part II

Funniest Poster
Evan Almighty

Bravest Poster
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Creepiest Poster

Best Character Poster

Best Funny Tag Line
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Best Serious
My Kid Could Paint That

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Worst Overall Poster Nominees of 2007

Worst Overall Poster Nominees of 2007

The Brothers Solomon

It's hard to imagine a more obnoxious poster. Two irritating guys apparently terrorizing a pregnant woman? Is it a horror film? No, it's a comedy. But it makes me want to run away screaming.

Charlie Wilson's War

Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts gazing longingly at one another while a very creepy looking Philip Seymour Hoffman gives them the eye. Surely they could've come up with a better image to represent the movie. My first reaction on seeing the poster was "Why would anyone ever go to see that?" The image tells us nothing about the film. We have to read the tag lines to get some idea of what it might be all about.


Despite a funny tag line, this design just makes the movie look incredibly cheesy. All the reviews cluttered around the head can't distract us from how utterly annoying that face is.

Hostel Part II

First there was the slab of meat. Then there was the topless woman carrying her own head. Then, someone decided to merge the two images to create this design. Instead of being horrific, the end result is simply confusion as we try to figure out what the image is all about.

Martian Child

The title and plot suggest that this child may be from another planet. But based on the poster the kid comes across as just some spoiled / eccentric kid. The international poster does a much better job of telling us that this kid is not quite normal.

and the winner (loser) is... coming soon

Worst Teaser / Advance Nominees of 2007

Worst Teaser / Advance Nominees of 2007

The Comebacks

Like with the "Date Movie" poster the other year, there is probably some subtle sexual innuendo that makes this poster hilarious. However, for those of us who miss it, all we see is a woman pointing her butt at us. Not quite inspiring.

Daddy's Little Girls

It's hard to say exactly what's wrong with this poster. It's a very original design and yet this bizarre flower with hidden faces and kissing petals is just downright creepy.

Fred Claus

Yes, Vince Vaughn's character is supposed to appear annoying. But the smarmy look on his face makes one want to poke his eyes out and, more importantly, just not watch the movie. In subsequent posters he at least seems annoying in a fun way.

Hostel Part II

A slab of meat. Yes, it looks rather revolting, but it tells us nothing at all about the movie except that maybe it is not meant for vegetarians.

I Am Legend

A teaser should grab your attention with visuals, not words. The visual itself is pretty meaningless. It's just Will Smith walking. It relies too much on the gigantic tag line to get the film's idea across.

and the winner (loser) is... coming soon

Bravest Poster Nominees of 2007

Bravest Poster Nominees of 2007

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Missing faces: Ethan Hawke, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marisa Tomei, Albert Finney.


Missing faces: Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Robin Wright Penn.

3:10 to Yuma

Missing faces: Christian Bale and Russell Crowe.


Missing faces: Luke Wilson, Kate Beckinsale.


Missing faces: Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo.

and the winner is... (coming soon)

Creepiest Poster Nominees of 2007

Creepiest Poster Nominees of 2007

Old dolls are often creepy. Old, cracked dolls with blood coming from their eyes are especially creepy.

The notorious campaign for this film had its fair share of disturbing images. This one, featuring Elisha Cuthbert apparently being buried alive is the creepiest of the approved designs.

Dead Silence

What is it about ventriloquist dummies that makes them so eerie? Perhaps we all have a secret fear that they are truly alive. And based on this one's hands, it's been up to no good.

Hostel Part II
A disturbing image that allows the viewer to imagine the worst possibilities for this poor woman.

30 Days of Night

The red and black spattered imagery makes for a disturbing poster even without knowing what that creature is.

and the winner is... coming soon